Modelica is a free language used for modelling multiphysical systems including electrical, thermal, mechanical and hydraulic components. Thanks to a simple syntax, it is possible to directly implement system equations.
R is a free language for statistical calculations. It offers a wide variety of methods for regression, classification, statistical testing, time series analysis, etc. Its Rshiny extension makes it possible to easily create efficient and ergonomic web interfaces.
SpaceClaim, Mechanical, APDL linear, non-linear static computation (frictional contact, materials, large displacements...)
From Ansys or LS-Prepost Dynamic analyses: shock computation, impact...
Abaqus is a software based on the finite element method developed by Dassault Systèmes. It makes it possible to simulate complex models in solid mechanics but also in fluid/structures interaction or even in electromagnetism. It serves as a reference in terms of computation and simulation for several industries, particularly in the oil & gas and offshore fields.
Nastran (NX & Simcenter)
Nastran is a finite element computing code developed by NASA in the 1960s. Originally very oriented towards structural dynamics, it was later opened to all types of physics and is a reference in the aeronautics and automotive sectors. Integrated into Simcenter, it is used at Phimeca for structural and dynamic analyses.
OpenFOAM is a free computational-fluid dynamic software, provided by the OpenFOAM Foundation. It allows to simulate any type of flow and benefit from a lage industrial and academical community.
A complete and free simulation platform dedicated to mechanical computation provided by EDF. It benefits both from the Salome platform functionalities (preprocessing, computational design implementation, results display...) and from the Code_Aster solver developed by AsterStudy.
We also codevelop
Persalys is a software dedicated to the treatment of uncertainty and the management of variabilities. It is a tool between the computer simulation, probabilistic analyses and the data sciences. We can provide you with Studies, Development or Training.
OpenTURNS is an open source C++ library, accessible as a Python module. It contains a large number of methods for the treatment of uncertainties and variability: probabilistic model, stochastic field, sensitivity, reliability, metamodels,... We can provide you with Studies, Development or Training.