Airbus, EDF, ONERA, Imacs and Phimeca invite you on June 11 and 21, 2021 for two sessions of presentations and exchanges around Open Turns innovations.
On the agenda!
Philippe BRYLA (EDF) will lead a presentation of Persalys-Penstock during the session of June 11, on the probabilistic models for penstock integrity assessment, with A. DUMAS (Phimeca), E. Ardillon (EDF) and A. Dutfoy (EDF).
During the session of June 21, Claire-Eleutheriane GERRER, design engineer (Phimeca), will present the emulation of a Modelica model representing a solar collector.
Find the rest of the program, as well as the Teams links, on:
Note: Most presentations will be in French

Persalys is a software dedicated to the treatment of uncertainty and the management of variabilities. It is a tool between the computer simulation, probabilistic analyses and the data sciences. We can provide you with Studies, Development or Training.

OpenTURNS is an open source C++ library, accessible as a Python module. It contains a large number of methods for the treatment of uncertainties and variability: probabilistic model, stochastic field, sensitivity, reliability, metamodels,... We can provide you with Studies, Development or Training.